Throughout its history, La Pamplonesa has made different recordings, along with numerous collaborations. In them there is a great variety of musical genres; from popular music to original band repertoire, including the pasodoble and the compositions of local maestro Turrillas. La Pamplonesa is versatile and commitment to staying current with new creations for these type of formations.
Recorded: 2008/2009
Director: J. Vicent Egea
Label: Hevi Management. Produced by La Pamplonesa Band
Artist: La Pamplonesa Band
CD of songs by J. Vicent Egea, La Pamplonesa artistic director. The songs are characteristic of his compositional style, nicknamed the “Five dreamlike passages by J. Vicent Egea”.

La banda sonora de las fiestas
Recorded: 2007
Director: J. Vicent Egea
Label: Hevi Management. Produced by La Pamplonesa Band
Artist: La Pamplonesa Band
CD that contains 22 works that La Pamplonesa Band plays during the San Fermín festival. It comes with a DVD with a video documentary about the band called “La música llena nuestras vidas (Music fills our lives)”, as well as a version of the Riau-Riau.

Pasodobles del Maestro Turrillas
Recorded: 2005
Director: J. Vicent Egea
Label: Produced by La Pamplonesa Band
Artist: La Pamplonesa Band
This CD to mark the birth of Manuel Turrillas contains 15 pasodobles by the master Turrillas, as well as the song “Maestro Turrillas”, which won the first Pasodobles Composition Prize awarded by the City of Pamplona.

Música de las peñas Sanfermineras
Recorded: 2005
Director: J. Vicent Egea
Label: Produced by La Pamplonesa Band
Artist: La Pamplonesa Band
This CD, released to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Manuel Turrillas, includes 12 songs by Manuel Turrillas that belong many of Pamplona’s Peñas clubs.

Recorded: 1997
Director: J. Vicent Egea
Label: RTVE
Artist: La Pamplonesa Band
CD that blends music by Navarre artists like Koldo Pastor and Tomás Asiáin with artists who have based their works on Navarre-related themes, such as J. Vicent Egea and Bernardo Adam Ferrero. Places, themes and popular rhythms are evoked with different languages; some more conventional and others more modern.

Poema Sanférmico (J. Vicent Egea)
Suite de las tres danzas (Tomás Asiáin)
- Primera Danza
- Segunda Danza
- Tercera Danza
Eguzkilore (Koldo Pastor)
Navarra (B. Adam Ferrero)
- Castillo de Olite
- Monasterio de Leyre
- Valle del Baztán
- En las cuevas de Zugarramurdi
Julián Romano 100 años
Recorded: 1999
Director: J. Vicent Egea
Label: Government of Navarre
Artist: Various
CD made to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Julián Romano, one of the great promoters of gaita (bagpipe) music. Along with multiple collaborations, La Pamplonesa performs a piece along with the City of Pamplona Gaiteros (Bagpipers).

Pico de Angel (Txomin Mujika)
La Pamplonesa V.2
Recorded: 1996
Director: Ricardo García?
Label: Supermercado del cassette
Artist: La Pamplonesa Band
This CD features 12 pieces of music related to the San Fermín festival. Passacaglias, pasodobles, dianas (bugle calls) and the famous Riau Riau.

- Clarín de Fiestas (Popular)
- Diana nº 4 (La gacela) (Popular)
- Animo Pues (Popular)
- Pamplona Feria del Toro (M. Turrillas)
- Riau Riau (Astráin)
- Viva el Maera (S. Cervantes)
- Diana de San Fermín nº 1 (Popular)
- El Asombro de Damasco (Arr. Maestro Cervantes)
- Diana de San Fermín nº 2 (Popular)
- La Dominguera (S. Cervantes)
- Diana de San Fermín nº 3 (Popular)
- Mocholí (D. Vela)
La Pamplonesa V.1
Recorded: 1990
Director: Ricardo García Cerdá
Label: Supermercado del Cassette S.L.
Artist: La Pamplonesa Band
In two formats: double vinyl record and double CD. It includes the majority of La Pamplonesa holidays songs, as well as a traditional repertoire deeply rooted in Pamplona and Navarra.

Disco 1 Cara 1
- Navarra canta (M. Turrillas)
- Animo pues (Popular)
- Las siete calles (Popular)
- Riau-Riau (Astrain)
- Qué bien bailas (M. Turrillas)
Disco 1 Cara 2
- Diana de San Fermín nº1 (Popular)
- Diana de San Fermín nº2 (Popular)
- Mocholi (Domingo Vela)
- REl asombro de Damasco (Arr. Maestro Cervantes)
- Pamplona feria del toro (M. Turrillas)
- La dominguera (Silvanio Cervantes)
Disco 2 Cara 1
- Diana de San Fermín nº 3
- Viva el Maera
- Brochazos 1919
- La Pilindros
Disco 2 Cara 2
- Diana de San Fermín nº 4 (Popular)
- Clarín de Fiestas (Popular)
- Maitechu Mia (F. Alonso)
- Honrando a Navarra (Julio Nuel)
- Cantos Populares (Ricardo Vidal)
Músicos del ayuntamiento de Pamplona
Recorded: 1990
Director: Ricardo García Cerdá
Label: ELKAR S.A.
Artists: City of Pamplona Txistus (Flute) Band, City of Pamplona Gaiteros (Bagpipers) Band, La Pamplonesa Band, City of Pamplona Clarines y Timbales (Bugles and Drums) Band
This vinyl record features a repertoire for txistus (flutes) and gaitas (bagpipes) accompanied by La Pamplonesa, along with the traditional touch of clarines (bugles) and timbales (drums) for the accompaniment by the Municipal Corporation of Pamplona and the Viva Navarra jota in its band version.

Cara A:
- Clarines (Tradicional toque para la Corporación Municipal de Pamplona)
- Alkate-Soñua (Arm. J. M. Altuna)
- Antziñeko Abestiak (Arm. J. M. Altuna
- Kalejira (Arm. J. Peñafiel)
- Cenon Iribarren Jota (Iruñeko Gaiteroak)
Cara B:
- Biribilketa (Gaintza)
- Idiarena (E. Gorosarri-Altuna)
- Vals-Polca nº 9 (J. Romano)
- Vals con variaciones (J. Romano)
- Viva Navarra (J. Larregla)
La feria del toro
Recorded: 1962
Director: Saturnino Sorbet
Label: RCA Victor
Artists: Pamplona Municipal Band and Choirs.
This 17 cm and 45 rpm vinyl record features four iconic songs from the San Fermín festival, including the pasodoble “Pamplona Feria del Toro”, by Maestro Turrillas, winner of the Casa de Misericordia Pasodobles Contest in 1962.

Cara 1:
- Pamplona, Feria del Toro -Pasodoble (M. Turrillas)
- La alegría de San Fermín -Riau Riau (Astráin)
Cara 2:
- Aquí....La Veleta -Pasacalle (M. Turrillas)
- Navarrerías -Pasacalle (M. Turrillas)